Goodways for Business

Corporate Leadership Development

It’s important to have a culture of giving back but its also important that your executives and staff have the right opportunities to align with missions that reflect not only the company’s values but also their own desires to help their communities. The right seat on the right board of directors can elevate both. We can assist in the vetting process of finding the right fit for everyone.

Leadership Roundtables

We have launched quarterly opportunities for nonprofits and their board leadership to come together to talk about challenges facing the community and how to share resources and collaborate to solve problems. Redundancy creates waste, we aim to open a dialogue to bridge the gap between the private and public sector which includes local and state government.

Small Business Giving Guidelines



Just because you’re not a large global company doesn’t mean your giving can’t be impactful. We have helped hundreds of small business owners giving help differentiate themselves through community service. Whether you are a sole proprietor or have up to 50 employees, we can craft a plan that is gratifying and builds your profile in the community.

Employee Driven Giving